Last week we took a little excursion to Alexandria to inspect missionary apartments. This required a 2 hour Maxi-Taxi ride, stopping 27 times on the way to pick-up or drop-off riders. Add 90 degrees, high humidity, quaint smells, temperamental A/C and you have the makings of a memorable trip. To make the memory indelible, we took the "taxi" one more stop to a little village named BUZESCU. This is the heart of gypsy country and we had been told it was a place "not to miss". We walked down the main street, camera in hand, and jetted back up the other side. It was eerily quiet and a little creepy. The pictures tell the story.
There are several classes of gypsy even within Roma (as they like to call themselves) society. Buzescu is home to one of the more affluent groups. These homes were built with money "raised" in the procurement of metal. If you collect enough metal, you can build mansions like these. The gypsy wagon in this picture is a common sight even in Bucharest.
This woman was one of a hand-full of people on the street so we stopped to ask questions. She was delightful. Her teeth were magnificent!
We were not sure what these ladies thought of us but we were pretty sure Maidenform could make a killing in this town.
Most of the cars were Mercedes or BMW but a gypsy wagon is a natural here.
Notice the empty streets.
The metal roofs are works of art. The more ornate they are, the richer the owner.
We were starting to look conspicuous!
Every house was behind an ornate iron fence.

This house was built to look like a courthouse. The owner said if he won his case in court, he would design his house like the courthouse. He won.

This fence was stainless steel!
There is no doubt these people worship the mighty Euro.
. . . and the mighty dollar!
A lot!
We had a great time visiting this little village with our good friends and fellow-missionaries, the Dummars. Here, Elder Dummar is getting directions for "getting out of Dodge".
We have had so many adventures here in Romania that we're starting to rank them. This one was definitely near the top of our adventures list although the welcoming committee must have lost our itinerary. It's a "been there, done that".
You continue to astound us on the variety of experiences you are having. Do missionaries tract in this city? My guess is no. We're going to Cedar City to the Shakespeare Festival tomorrow--that's as unusual as our experiences get. Keep it up! Te iubesc.
ReplyDeleteHow cool Gloria! I love those houses.
ReplyDeleteThe crazy part is that they spend so much money on the outter appearance that the insides are empty, they can't afford to furnish them! I think there is a lesson to be learned in that, it's just like the Romanians as well! They care so much about what the outside looks like, they don't take care of the inner too! I love that place though, I tell ya, great job capturing it!
ReplyDeleteBrad and I both loved these pictures. They reminded me that when he was working for the SPD he arrested a bunch of gypsies and they placed a "curse" on all of the police who were there!! I wonder what is supposed to happen to him???...Hope you made it back without being cursed too!!