Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Good Week!

Our wheelchair project was submitted for approval in April and last week, 250 wheelchairs were delivered to Cluj, Romania--to the location where they will be distributed the 1st week of September. We were traveling when the word came that the truck was on it's way so we rearranged our appointments to meet the shipment. We announced the need for muscle-power and the missionaries and members and other volunteers made up the crew of 10 workers. It took 3 hours of intense labor, made difficult by the heat and humidity. Each box weighed more than 50 pounds. As always, the missionaries stayed cheerful and upbeat to the bitter end. How we love working with these fine missionaries!

The site of the unloading...a busy 3-lane road. The School for the Blind is in the background.

The only way in was through this courtyard. It got longer and hotter as the day progressed.

The gym...uncluttered.

Senior missionaries, the Lamoreaux's and Denny. I took all the pictures! Someone had to do it!

Elder Bernier

Elder Ott (Spiderman)
Elders Ott and Bernier had a teaching appointment later in the day but they managed to keep their shirts clean for the 1 1/2 hours they worked. That's dedication!

Elder Marks

Elder Frandsen

The Elders plus two helpers celebrate the last box! Elder Frandsen cut his hand early but worked to the bitter end. Next time, I'll bring more than 5 band-aids.

250 wheelchairs, organized and ready for distribution.

No sweat-fest can be complete without pizza and ice cream!


  1. What a delight to see your proposals and all the work they involve become fruition! That has to be so satisfying and fulfilling. You two are my heroes. We have Taylor in the MTC now. Te iubesc.

  2. I hope you don't mind. My brother is Elder Marks, and I would love to follow this blog. What great work you are all doing in Romania!

  3. I don't mind at all. Elder Marks in an incredible missionary. If he doesn't get transferred from Cluj next week, he will be involved in our wheelchair training and distribution. Stay tuned!
