Sunday, October 11, 2009


We began our second full week in Romania with visit from our Area Directors from Frankfurt. Now that we can speak Romanian perfectly, we had no problem picking up German. NOT! The couple below are now our good friends, Connie and Joe Durrance! They are actually from Bountiful and are on a mission, just like us except they are big kids and have more responsibilities! They travel all over Europe and train the new humanitarian missionaries and also oversee the projects. We loved our week with them and had a blast. We learned so much that some afternoons we just had to quit before our heads exploded! Now we can:
Write projects on CHAS (a complicated computer program we use get approval for a project)
Keep track of our aid-related expenses on Excel
Cut, paste, scan, attach, make folders, save-as, copy to clipboard, right click, left click, explode!
Oanda (to figure conversion rates)
Meet with NGO's and act like we know what they're talking about
Tour facilities and and act like we know what we're looking at

We are now ready and excited to hit the floor running (or shuffling) come tomorrow morning. We have our week planned (as all good missionaries do) and by the next Blog, we'll let you know of the surprises that are sure to come up! One thing for sure...we love our mission here among the Romanian people and can't think of any place we'd rather be.

Enjoy the pictures of the week.

The Durance's

Our new friends, the Durance's. We had so much fun that even "Denny the map-reader" smiled!
Casa Doru. This is a clinic/hospital/home for HIV teenagers. We toured this facility and decided that it will be our first project. We will supply much needed bedding and towels and other supplies.
The next day we visited an NGO we're working with to bring in wheelchairs. His group designs, manufactures and repairs wheelchairs. With him, we'll be able to supply and fit 250 recipients with the next shipment.
And then we flew to Paris! Not really! Bucharest is called "Paris of the East" because of scenes like this. This is the Arcul de Triumf.

The Tramvai electric street cars have become our friends. This accordion playing Romanian jumped on and played for us for a Leu (about 34 cents). I couldn't get him to smile! (heck, now that I think about it, maybe he would have for a few more Lei!)

This little girl and her grandmother became our friends on the Tramvai. I gave her a pass-along card and she waved as we pulled away.

And then there are the dogs! Roaming dogs are everywhere. There are an estimated 200,000 stray dogs in Bucharest. Luckily they are docile and tame and never sniff in inappropriate places! You just have to watch your step and NEVER step on the grass.


  1. Totally fascinating Mom! That is so cool you are touring facilities and managing huge programs like that. They probably look at you guys like miracles.

    I can't believe that pack of dogs.

    "It’s too bad that whole families have to be torn apart by something as simple as wild dogs.." --Jack Handey.

    LOve, JB

  2. Hey guys! Looks like you are doing great! what a fun adventure! We love and miss you! Mark, Xan, Ayden and London

  3. Looks like y'all are having a blast. You are old pros already! Love ya.

  4. I was SOOOO going to write you an update, so you'd have "mail" on your P-Day, but alas...once again I fail as a VT. I'll bet Opie & Libby are looking better by now, huh? & your little black dog that we're watching, is doing GREAT! Love your updates and are so glad that you're doing well. Love & miss you~Lori

  5. Hmmmm....I was a little confused about the Romanian accordian player. Did you think he would have smiled for a lay? Don't forget whose work you're about ;-)

  6. Salut! We've been in Post Falls, so are behind--again. Donna is great--had dinner with her--would have stayed, but the pressure worked--the kids got the insulation up! However, sunt bolnav--drove home hoping we wouldn't crash! Multumesc for the update--sounds wonderful. Hope all goes well this week. Loved your "dryer". Te iubesc. Janet
