Sunday, December 27, 2009

PRIMARY SINGING TIME and how a simple FLIP camera saved the day

Today in Primary, I found myself as the one and only adult who showed up to teach four lively boys. My Romanian language skills are lacking for the moment and I wondered how I would keep their attention for two hours. I considered my options: stand on my head while teaching OR share my disco dance moves OR use modern technology in the form of a video camera to keep them entertained. After the video "choir practice", it was downhill from there!
It was a rough two hours but then I thought about other Senior Missionaries in developing countries who struggled today with similar circumstances. This is what we do and somehow we get by and love it, (when two hours finally end).


  1. This is so cool!! I love how you can really see the growth of the church in something like this... and then think about how God sees His children and how happy He must be. Love it!

  2. Funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Boy in suit will be a great choir director (or diplomat) some day:) Merry Christams.
