We have been living in Romania for three and a half months and mostly, we have enjoyed every minute. The minutes we have NOT enjoyed involve restless nights in a double bed, unrecognizable food, the popular game, "What is that smell?", and stairs, (and stares).
All the above are dimmed when we are invited to share dinner and conversation with a wonderful Romanian family.
Last Sunday evening, we were invited to the Doru's. President Doru is our District President in the Bucharest District. He is the equivalent of a Stake President (and he would be if we only had a Stake, which we don't, yet). We met him on our second day in Romania. He met Elder Linerud not with a handshake but by picking him up, bear hug style after which, Denny returned the gesture! They have been buddies ever since. President Doru is a great leader who loves everyone and has faith and vision of Church growth in Romania.
The evening with the Doru's will be forever etched in our memories. The food was the most delicious we've had and sitting-around-the-table afterwards was journal worthy.

The Doru Family
Every good meal starts with Romanian suc (juice). It's all delicious.
Ana-Maria is a wonderful cook. Here she is delivering Salata de buf which is like a potato salad
that has been decorated with the skill of Julia Child. It's as Romanian as our double bed! It is also very delicious.
This is what it looked like before the carnage.
Romanians eat in "courses". Bread is placed in piles on the table and you begin by spreading an eggplant "spread" and piling on the ham and cheeses. Honestly, the eggplant tasted like guacamole! There was also a mushroom dip/salad that complimented everything.
Lucky the plate was small. It would be easy to go overboard here!
Next, the Sarmale or cabbage rolls and pickles and picked peppers, picked! The pork/beef/rice mixture is rolled in (you guessed it) pickled cabbage leaves and then cooked all day. It is really delicious.
This is a plate of corn mush. There's a Romanian name for it, but some things you want to forget!
Just when you think there's no room for another bite, this plate of sausage and pork arrives. I'm glad there is an unwritten manner rule that says you have to try everything because this sausage was to die for. (and I usually don't like sausage!)
Finally, the cake! It was as delicious as it looks!
After we ate, we sat at the table for another half hour or more and just talked. President Doru is so amazing. The Church is growing in Romania largely because of his vision of the future and his leadership. The video that follows this post shows President Doru giving advice to the world and also six missionaries who will never forget this evening.
Here we are after dinner, fat and happy.
Wow! What a feast! Your photos always tell the story in such a way that I actually feel like I'm right there with you. One minor detail... I'm still hungry!