Friday, January 15, 2010


As we arrived on Romanian soil, it wasn't long before we
met President Vasile Doru and heard his story.
Searching for a better life shortly after the Revolution in
1989, he along with 4 others nailed themselves in a
shipping crate bound for the USA.
They survived 13 days at sea undetected with only
dry salami, dry bread, biscuits and 8 liters of water.
As they neared the end, they rationed the water--
1 cap full, 3 times a day!
Once in America, they headed to Canada where they
were protected by emigration law and it was in Montreal
that he made friends who would introduce him to the

It is said that our trials make us strong and that
adversity introduces us to ourselves.

Enjoy meeting President Doru:


  1. What an awesome man. Thanks for introducing us, Flip style!

  2. President Doru has a special spirit, for sure. I was greatly impressed with his wife, though. Anyone who could put that meal together is a remarkable person. I am sorry about the double bed . . .

  3. Darling! (and SO TRUE!!) "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God"
    "God, Family, Career=Happiness" Simple formula, isn't it? What an awesome man!!

  4. Elder Si Sora Linerud it was sooo much fun finding your blog and looking around on it. You don't know me but I returned from serving in Romania in December 2008. It is the BEST mission ever and I love Bucharest sectors 5,6, and 1. It was my first area at the Panduri capela. I also know and love familia Doru; they are amazing!!! Wow. your blog made me really miss being a missionary in Romania. I especially loved the street contacting video, it brought back such great memories. Well I sure had a great time reminiscing and thank you for your HARD WORK in the Romania Bucharest mission!!! You are soooo lucky to be there. The Lord hand picked you to bless Romania. I can tell that you are doing just that.

    cu drag,
    Megan Runyan (the former Sora Runyan)
