My companion is a computer whiz! Last week he noticed particles of who-knows-what in the keyboard crevices so we went shopping for a bottle of compressed air. He was out of my sight for just a minute and then I noticed 15 screws on the desk! Oh my!
These are direct quotes:
"If they didn't want you to get into it, they would have put rivets."
"I shut the computer down."
"But, I got a bunch of stuff out of it!"
It's a good thing I have a handyman for a companion although his toolbox contains one tool: a Leatherman! It's also a good thing that the keyboard still works! It's really a good thing that my Mac has rivets!

Oh my Gloria!! I can only imagine your nervousness with the disassembled keyboard. (Wait! Is there a hidden message in the word disASSembled?) Good job on getting it BACK together and even more so, for having it WORK afterwards. You're the man, Denny!!